Since i will be participating in this for the next month, I thought i would give you a heads up on what you might see. I really like their suggestions, so I am mostly going to follow it. I think it is a great starting point for me and this blog.
Week 1: Share
Monday, November 1 Introduction – Tell us about yourself! Why did you decide to start a blog or share your blog with us?
Tuesday, November 2 Election Day – What issues are important to you? If you could tell your representatives one thing about diabetes, what would it be?
Wednesday, November 3 “Wordless Wednesday” – Share a picture or video on your blog! (need ideas for subject matter? What are the three most important things – in your opinion – that help with your diabetes management? A glucose meter? A phone app? A friend? A superhero band-aid? Show us!)
Thursday, November 4 Diabetes Celebrities – From rock stars like Bret Michaels to professional athletes like Jay Cutler, people with diabetes are showing how diabetes has not stopped them. Who’s your favorite diabetes celebrity?
Friday, November 5 “Friends & Family Friday” – Research shows that diabetes has a genetic component: Who in your family or circle of friends has diabetes?
Saturday, November 6 Check Up Check List – Very few people enjoy doctor appointments, but if you have diabetes, you’ve probably had your share of these! Share your doctor appointment stories – funny, frustrating, embarrassing or inspiring – or what appointments you need to catch up on
Sunday, November 7 Daylight Savings – Daylight Savings ended today, so you got an extra hour of sleep! Some people will need to adjust their insulin pump clocks, others may simply change the clocks on their wall. Does an hour change affect your diabetes management?
Week 2: Act
Monday, November 8 “Mouthwatering Monday” – What’s your favorite entree? How does it affect your blood glucose?
Tuesday, November 9 News – Thanks to American Diabetes Month®, diabetes has been in the headlines this week. Did you see any diabetes articles that were interesting? Inspiring? Frustrating? While there’s no controlling what the media says, what topics would you cover if you were a reporter?
Wednesday, November 10 “Wordless Wednesday” – Share a picture or video on your blog! (need ideas for subject matter? What’s your biggest inspiration in taking action in the movement to stop diabetes? Show us! Or if you haven’t joined the movement yet,
Share, Act, Learn or Give to get started now!)
Thursday, November 11 Veteran’s Day – Veterans Day marks end of World War 1 in 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Is there something you do every day at the same time to help with your diabetes routine?
Friday, November 12 “Friends & Family Friday” – Who is your biggest support and how do they help you in managing your diabetes?
Saturday, November 13 Unexpected Exercise – Raking leaves can be such a chore, but it can also be a great way to sneak in some exercise. What are some ways you sneak in some exercise? (And no, we don’t think “Jedi mind tricks” count!)
Sunday, November 14 World Diabetes Day – Today is World Diabetes Day, recognized by the United Nations, so across the globe people are taking an action to raise diabetes awareness. What about you?
Week 3: Learn
Monday, November 15 “Mouthwatering Monday” – Carrot sticks and potato chips have a similar crunch, but the similarities end there. What’s your favorite snack?
Tuesday, November 16 FAQ – What question do you get asked the most when you tell someone you have diabetes? Do you use any of these opportunities to help teach about diabetes, or do they get annoying? Or both?
Wednesday, November 17 “Wordless Wednesday” – Share a picture or video on your blog! (need ideas for subject matter? What’s the first thing you remember learning about diabetes? Who did you learn it from?)
Thursday, November 18 Holiday Survival – Here’s
our guide to surviving the holidays (PDF). What’s your survival tip? Do you avoid carbs, fats, or family members?
Friday, November 19 “Friends & Family Friday” – As the holidays approach, social events and family gatherings are bound to occur. If you could say anything, what would you tell your loved ones about your diabetes?
Saturday, November 20 Short Cuts – Are there any diabetes short cuts you have learned over the years?
Sunday, November 21 Being Thankful – It’s almost Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? Has diabetes helped you realize your appreciation for anything?
Week 4: Give
Monday, November 22 “Mouthwatering Monday” – What’s your favorite Thanksgiving Day recipe? Share it here (don’t worry, we won’t tell Great Aunt Doris you’re sharing her secret!)
Tuesday, November 23 Holiday Travel – The pilgrims traveled for 66 days to make it to the “new world.” Do you travel for Thanksgiving or other holidays? What tricks or tips do you use to navigate airport crowds, traffic-filled highways and blood glucose fluctuations?
Wednesday, November 24 “Wordless Wednesday” – Share a picture or video on your blog! (need ideas for subject matter? How are you getting ready for the Thanksgiving festivities? Baking in advance? Adding some extra exercise to your schedule? Cleaning to prepare for company? Show us!)
Thursday, November 25 Happy Thanksgiving – Thanksgiving is often a busy day, so you can keep it simple: What did you enjoy for your thanksgiving dinner? (And what was the carb count)? Photos are always welcome!
Friday, November 26
Saturday, November 27 The Best Thing – Yesterday was “Black Friday” when many Americans shopped till they dropped, looking for the best possible gifts. What’s the best diabetes gadget, phone app, book, or other tool you have?
Sunday, November 28 Storing Supplies – Sometimes having diabetes means you have to carry a lot of supplies or organize different types of medications. Pockets, purses, glove compartments, hands – what do you use to be sure you’re prepared?
Bonus Days!
Monday, November 29 “Mouthwatering Monday” – How long did those Thanksgiving Day leftovers last? Leftovers can be a useful strategy in saving money and making your portions smaller, but many people don’t like them. How do you feel about leftovers?
Tuesday, November 30 Wrap Up – It’s the last day of American Diabetes Month 2010! If you had to leave one lasting impression on people about diabetes, what would you say?
Wednesday, December 1 What’s next? – Even though American Diabetes Month is over, diabetes continues to be a 24/7/365 disease. What will you do to keep America’s focus on diabetes?