
Contour USB

So i have finally had a chance to start using this meter. And so far I can't complain about it. Like I said before, I do like that it has a rechargeable battery. That is a big plus. Since getting my strips, which was a trip itself, I have found that the Contour USB is very easy to use. You just put the strip in and it turns on and is ready to suck up some blood. After that you are given the option to mark it as before or after meal, or no mark. And then in seconds your result is displayed. The screen is surprisingly bright and easy to read (I will upload some pics at a later point). It is all very easy to use. I have not had the chance to try the software with it yet, but as soon as i do I will post about that.


Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes

Well it is getting to be that time of year again, time for the step out walk to stop diabetes. This has recently become very dear to me. Last year was my first year taking part in this walk. Not only is it a great workout, but it is also a great way to get involved with something that means very much to me. This year they are adding something different to the walk: they are giving away a limited number of special converse sneakers to the first 1,000 walkers who raise $1,000 on-line. I think this is such a great idea and i am currently going to try to become one of these lucky people. So please take a moment today to donate towards a great cause and then take the time to spread this information on to all your friends and family so they can donate too. With your help we can hope that one day there can be a cure to diabetes!



So i went out and picked up the Contour USB meter. I am really into gadgets and this looked like something right up my alley. I really can't say much about it yet since it didn't come with any test strips and I have yet to get a new script for the Bayer brand strips. So maybe tomorrow, after I call the doctor's, I will have more to say. For now i can say that I love how it has a rechargeable battery, which can be charged by simply plugging it into the USB port. From what I can tell by looking it and the guide over it should be very simple to use. I am excited to get some strips so i can use it!


Advice wanted

I have to change my glucose meter becasue my insurance company is not longer having One Touch be a prefered meter. So I need to ask those out there that use either Accu-Check or Bayer (Ascencia) what you use and the pros and cons of it. I appreciate any info you can give me!
