

So earlier this year I sprained my MCL. That took me a couple months to recover from. At that point I had not even managed to go two months into the year without being injured. A week before my last checkup for my knee I injured my back. I had a nasty back spasm that left me hurting for a couple weeks. So needless to say I was in no rush to get back to exercising. Well last week after seeing I had gained a bunch of weight back I decided it was time to get back to the gym. I started back this past Sunday. It was a good start. I did not want to go to the gym after work yesterday but I made myself. Now I kinda wish I hadn't. When I first got there, in the locker room, I smashed my pinky toe into the solid metal leg of the bench. That did not feel good! I went to get it looked at this morning to make sure it was not broken, which it is not. It is just sprained. So now I am back to not being able to go to the gym for a couple weeks. My toe is sore, bruised, swollen, and stiff. So here I lay, in bed that resting my poor toe.

So now my injury free clock resets. I made it about three months and 2 weeks this time without any injuries.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


So I was really excited about doing the The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge, but I find that I am not inspired by the topics at all. Some of them seem a little interesting, but I find that i am not inspired much to write about a lot of them. So I might post a few of them, but I don't think I will be doing too many of them.



Day 11 - Theme Song

Well it is probably cliche, but really the best song would be Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. I mean really, what better y to keep yourself on track than this song. Everyone has to fight with themselves, and sometimes others, to get to the top. Everyone wants to succeed and be their best. This is really the only song that I can think of that fits.

Location:Harrisburg,United States


Day 9 - Keep Calm and Carry On

Day 10 - Dear 16 year old me

If there was one thing i could go back and tell my 16 year old self it would be to get off your butt and get active! I am now struggling with my newly turned 35 year old self to get into better shape. And when I say struggle, I really mean it. I struggle daily with trying to eat healthy and get enough exercise. If only I could go back in time and tell my younger self how much easier it would be to be healthy later in life if only I had been more active and ate better when i was younger. Things would be a lot easier now if i were healthier. There is a a good chance that i would not be struggling with Diabetes now if I had started being healthier when I was younger.


The Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge

Hey everyone - I just wanted to tell you about a new activity I'll be doing this April. The Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days. I hope you'll join me in writing every day about health. It's going to be a lot of fun and I'd love to see what you have to say about each of the topics, too. All you have to do to join is sign up here: http://info.wegohealth.com/HAWMC2012 and you'll be able to start posting once April rolls around. Looking forward to writing with you!

I only just found this, so I am a little behind. I am going to jump in on the current day, but in some cases you might even see a few posts a day so i can play catch up and get them all in!



Mundane Monday

So obviously I am not the greatest at keeping this blog going. But change is always possible and just maybe I can make a go of posting more regularly. However to be fair, life has been crazy for me these last couple months. Back in the beginning of February I slipped and fell while visit family and ended up spraining my MCL. Took a couple weeks to be diagnosed and then another month of physical therapy took place. I was just discharged from PT this past Friday. I am not completely healed up, but just about there. So I can start to get back on track with things in my life. I have not been doing my best at taking all my meds, but I have addressed that and am getting better. Luckily while hobbling around with a bum leg, I have still been able to lose weight (thank you PT!). Since starting my renewed weight loss mission back in October/November I have lost about 20 pounds. I am about 7 pounds from having lost 10% of my starting body weight. So I am doing good on that front. It is just taking time and patience. Currently I am trying to cut some carbs from my diet a little at a time, starting with potatoes. That is my main carb source and it needs to be dealt with. But it will take time, because I just love my potatoes!

Here's to being more regular in my posting . . . .


Location:Harrisburg,United States


Stepping' Out!

It is that time of year again. I just registered myself and my team for the 2012 Step Out walk! Be on the lookout for posts about donations and for new team members. Remember you can still be a walker, even if you can't make it to the event: you can be a virtual walker!

More to follow soon!



Smorgasbord Sunday - Monitoring your Diabetes

One of the most basic tools for taking care of yourself when you are a Diabetic is your blood glucose meter. Just like how every person is different, every meter is different as well. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when looking to buy a meter. When you are looking to buy a meter you might value one feature over another. While i have a very limited knowledge of just a couple meters, i can point in the right direction to at least start your search. I am referring to the American Diabetes Association's article on the 2012 Consumer guide for blood glucose meters. This article is filled with a lot of helpful information in order for you to begin your search for the meter that is perfect for you. Happy Shopping . . .



WEIGHT-y Wednesday

In my limited experience I know that one of the biggest issues that some diabetics can face is their weight. Not everyone who has diabetes is overweight, but some of us are. By losing even just a few pounds, one can better control and maintain their diabetes. Losing weight can mean that those who are on oral medications may be able to come off them and control their diabetes by diet and exercise alone. You will also find that you will have more energy for the things you love by losing a few pounds. Exercise does not have to mean going to the gym day in and day out and walking to nowhere on the treadmill. You can get exercise by doing the things you love. Just get active for a awhile each day. Whether it is walking, working out, or even dancing. Every bit helps. And before you know it you will see that you have lost some weight and feel great! So get out there and start moving today!! ~Traci

Location:Colonial Park,Harrisburg,United States


Hello 2012!

So one year is gone and a new one is here. I didn't do nearly as much as I wanted to last year, but there is nothing i can do about that. It is a new year and time for new and improved things. I did start 2012 off in some new ways. The hubby and i actually went out for New Years Eve to a neighboring town, Mechanicsburg, and watched the wrench drop. Neither of us had been anywhere to see anything drop before. It was fun. And we discovered a quaint little cafe while doing it. Then on New Years Day we took a trip down to City Island and participated in the 2012 Penguin Plunge which benefited the Humane Society. The weather was great, but the water was frigid. i heard the water temp was only 34 degrees! These were some things i had never done before, so i was successful in starting the New Year off by doing something new!

My biggest challenge for the new year will be my health. I am going to work to do even better to lose weight and get healthy. I am starting a biggest loser type challenge with some friends and co-workers tomorrow, with money at stake. So that should help motivate me!!! I have been losing some weight (about 10 pounds in the last two months), but not enough. I am using the site www.myfitnesspal.com to track my weight and measurements. As I was resetting it tonight I noticed that since i originally signed up on that site i have lost 15.6 pounds and 5 inches. So I was at least doing something right!

Another thing i want to tackle this year is keeping this blog alive. So in order to do that I am going to start doing some theme days, like when I first started this blog for Diabetes Month 2010. Tentatively I think my topics will be:

Mundane Monday - Just some everyday thoughts from me
Tippy Tuesday - Tips for food, exercise, etc
Weighty Wednesday - issues that are a big concern for diabetics
Techie Thursday - info on apps and other gadgets that could/would be useful
Foto Friday - A picture says it all
Sugary Saturday - alternatives to super sweet snacking
Smorgasbord Sunday - Anything and everything

So stayed tuned and see what the new year has in store for us!