I am just looking for a place to voice my own thoughts. Whether they are about Diabetes, exercise, life, or games. This is the place for me!
Busy, but quiet
A little squee inside
~ current daily steps: 3195
Location:Thea Dr,Harrisburg,United States
Carbs vs. Calories
~ current daily steps: 2504
Location:Thea Dr,Harrisburg,United States
Getting in those steps
It really also doesn't help that not only am I working to get all those duct tape flowers made, but a new exspansion pack for the Sims 3 came out this week. So I am addicted to getting as much game time in as I can! It also doesn't help that neither my husband or I are morning people so we don't end up getting into work until the last possible minute and with our overtime we don't get out until late. It leaves little time to do much of anything else, which is why I am struggling to do everything with limited time.
Like right now i know i will get at least 10,000 steps in today so i am not worried about that. But I am sitting here trying to decide if i want to spend the little time i have tonight making flowers or playing Sims! There needs to be more hours in the day for fun!
~ current daily steps: 3369
Location:Thea Dr,Harrisburg,United States
Weekend blahs
This next month is going to be crazy. My brother is getting married in a month and I have a lot I duct tape flowers to get making. I have a set schedule for the flowers that I will have to stick to. Plus I have other terms to make as well. It should be interesting to see how well I fit all this extra work in with making sure I get my steps in each day!
~ current daily steps: 1350
Location:Thea Dr,Harrisburg,United States
6/16-6/18 steps
6/16/13: 7,123
6/17/13: 12,436
6/18/13: 12,562
~ current daily steps:3,188
Location:Thea Dr,Harrisburg,United States
Numbers don't lie
It really is amazing to see my progress in terms of numbers. Since I purchased my fitbit on January 6, 3013 I have tracked the following:
Lifetime steps: 879,955
Lifetime distance: 392.47 miles
It is crazy to see those numbers. Especially knowing that they could be much lower if it weren't for my having purchased the fitbit. I never used to take as many steps a day as I do now. Owning the fitbit has really made me more active. I highly recommend it!!
~ current daily steps: 6922
Location:Harrisburg,United States
5/10/13 steps
~ current daily steps: 185
Location:Harrisburg,United States
Weekend steps
Saturday 6/8/13: 5,548
Sunday 6/9/13: 6,945
~ current daily steps: 2,051
Location:Thea Dr,Harrisburg,United States
I should note that that goal is primarily for during the week. I am not running around as much on the weekend so my goal for those days is half of a regular day.
So here's to getting more steps in!
~ current daily steps: 2,411
Location:Harrisburg,United States
The Grandest Intentions
Now that I am trying to so more, let's hope the blog starts to see more attention too!!
~ current daily steps: 5635
Location:Harrisburg,United States
Sugary Saturday
A new year
I am still coming up with some goals that I want to set for myself. I am more comfortable calling them goals, rather than resolutions mostly because to me resolutions are usually something you don't make happen. Some of my goals are personal, while others are charity based. One of my personal goals is that i need to start checking the fluids in our car more often. I am not good at remembering to do it, so I want to get in the habit of checking things the first of every month. And I can say this month is good! I checked the fluids earlier today and topped off the ones that needed it. Another is to get healthier. I have been trying to eat better, and it is slow going. I also need to get exercising and moving more. In that department i have been seriously failing. I do not plan to jump right in and get to the gym every day or anything. I will work on it more slowly, starting to try to get some exercise in a couple times a week and work my way up to maybe 5 times a week. I know i need to better and I will.
Another thing that I want to start doing this year is to give more. And I plan to start by giving more to the local Humane Society. Once a month I plan to do a bit of shopping and purchase items that they are in need of and donate those items. It is just not people who sometimes need help, but the animals do to. So this year I plan to give more to them and help them out!
Happy New Years!