
The Holidays, Treats, & Parties

Things have been busy here these last couple of weeks, so i have not really had time to post. But i was recently asked the following question and thought I would share it all with you:
So do the holiday treats and office parties have any impact on your diabetes?

I have to say I am lucky in this regard because we don't really have office parties. So I do not need to worry about all the treats and food. At most my department has a holiday luncheon, but it is a voluntary thing and you don't have to participate if you don't want to. I usually don't; because i am usually such a picky eater and a lot of times we don't know what there will be for food. So it is just safer for me to bring my own lunch. And these luncheons are not the kind where everyone just sits down together and eats. Most people just take the food back to their desks and keep working, so i am not really missing out on much.

Usually the only holiday treats I see at work are when someone might give me a card that has a candy cane attached. As this happens rarely i don't have to worry about it. The only time i really have to be careful is when i go home to my mother's for the holiday. There is always so much good food there for our Christmas meal I have to be careful how much i eat. And if i am not, then i just need to make a point to get in more exercise to counteract all the carbs I ate.

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